Training course for caregivers
Our team
Our experienced, friendly team has years of experience in providing quality care. The team of carers provides a 24-hour tailored package of care under the supervision of qualified nurses and doctors, where appropriate. The carers are gifted with the ability to care for vulnerable people, including those with age-related conditions who need respite or nursing care. The emotional well-being of our residents is paramount. Therefore, we operate a zero-tolerance abuse of residents or staff.
I have a B.Sc in Business Administration and over 4 years experience in administrative and Project management. I am passionate about helping people achieve results.
I have an HND in mass communication. I have experience in writing blog content for EOON CARE. As a content creator, I engage with clients and the public through various means of communication and media platforms.
Sorochi - I’m a qualified registered nurse with over 10 years of experience. I am very passionate about being a caregiver, and my positive and cheery disposition makes me very well suited to work.MEET OUR COORDINATOR
Nnenna - I have an HND in public administration and experience in HR management and marketing. I believe in EOON CARE values, and I will work in all honesty and diligently.MEET OUR CAREGIVER
Abedneze - I am a secondary school leaver passionate about caring for the elderly. I am bilingual which makes it each to advocate for EOON CARE clients